Monday, March 31, 2008
another engine
Alright.Fingers crossed.
Hopefully I made the right choice.
Anw its too late alrdy.
Submitted my application form + paid the fee.
Busy day tmr.
Can you believe I did nothing productive at all today.
A brain-impaired simian...
...and a wastage of human space.
Haha. Really slacked all the way...
Haven had much energy these few days.
Feel drained.
As though no motivation to do anything.
Or more specifically, to do anything different.
I am like a fish without fins (and brains) in a river.
No mind of my own. Just going with the flow.
Haha. =\
Thinking that the mouth of a shark is an amusement park.
Yea, i know wad ur thinking, sharks again -.-
So sue me.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Most of my peers ard me are getting called up for reservist alrdy. That is so fast.Even those who are going to study in uni and it takes place during their studies.. ~.~
Perhaps its because I ORD'ed 1 mth later than the rest, tt's y I have not been called up yet. Lucky? Haha. Not even a single trace of call-up at
Personally I wouldnt mind going back to lck2 during this period of time, as long as my uni does not start'll be refreshing to see everyone again...haha. =)
Note to self: Submit proof of admission to NUS to Alice/Alicia/A-something (dam i cant rmb the clerk's name) within this week.
Otherwise. I'll be in the same boat as them.
A sinking one.
Like the one in the titanic where ppl try to escape but get eaten by sharks.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Whenever I talk to others about planning for the future...okay maybe not 'the' future, but at least wad I am gonna do with my life, I'll always end up feeling very motivated to achieve something......for about a day.
When I wake up the next day, the enthusiasm's gone... =\
Like it never happened. Haha.
Monday, March 17, 2008
throw away the key
I need to forget certain things.Lock up certain feelings.
Easier said than done.
At times, a push is needed.
I think I might have stumbled onto that push.
Although...its pulling rather than pushing.
I might be going crazy. Haha.
Its getting easier to do so as the days go by though.
If a haggard-looking elderly person comes up to you and asks you for a dollar for a bus ride, would you give it?
Would you have second thoughts?
How about if its a perfectly able-bodied youth asking you the same thing?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Don't you just hate it when someone who has just finished consuming a long thin tobacco-filled bundle of tar greatness waddles into a bus and sits down so close to you carrying a stench that is enough to wake the dead?It doesn help if the sufferer (me) is suffering from a constant cough (i wonder who to blame for that?) and this blissfully inconsiderate commuter acts like his BO is an aromatherapy bottle of lavender flowers.
It gets my blood boiling so much so that I have visions of torturing that said commuter and feeding it to a giant murderous cigarette-shaped dog.
'nuff said.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The interesting thing about life is that you get to meet so many different people.People whose presence are gladly welcomed.
People who can bring a smile to you.
People who are there for you.
People who'll stick a knife into ur back...and...
People who are irritating.
Which do you belong to?
Monday, March 10, 2008
My back is injured...somehow.Its painful to move ard...zzz.
This is putting me in a v unpleasant mood.
Nearly flared up at my mom cos of some trivial matter.
Lucky I didnt.
Or I'll be in an even worse mood.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Some things are worth my time more than others.I have been feeling moody this week.
Even now.
Though I told myself to be carefree.
Workload is just piling up at the office. Its getting unbearable for the 3 of us. However we still have to do.
Its a matter of principles.
I think I wasted my time and money watching 'Meet the spartans'.
Firstly, we were abt 15mins late into the show.
Secondly, some jokes were dry IMO.
Thirdly, the way Leonidas died was super lame.
Strangely, for the 1st time, I was not checked for my IC for an NC 16 show.
On the brighter side of things, I have not fallen sick yet. =)
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
I think I am going to fall sick.Yesterday was coughing so much at 1 pt of the day. Though I think its cos I choked on something...or isit? Haha. (Self deceit?)
Today also walking home in the rain...
Somebody kept coughing and coughing so close to me a few days ago.
Still drink ice lemon tea. Haha.
If your germs really ban1 jia1 ah...=\
Yea. Also watching movie with my fren this wed. But I think my memory is really bad. Or I am just really tired.
I cant rmb wad movie we're gonna watch.
Ultimate man.
ZzZ -.-
Saturday, March 01, 2008
dam ex
Come to think of it, the next time I get to see this particular day in the year, I'll be 24. Omg. Haha.It was a good choice that I went to extract my wisdom tooth during my NS period. Other than being FOC of course, haha, the dentist (2 of them actually) found a slight decay at the adjacent tooth after 1 of my wisdom tooth was removed.
Today was the appt that was supposed to settle this issue.
"I can't see or feel anything..."
That was what the dentist said today.
The gist of it was, he said that though my X-ray had indicated a 'cause for complaint', he could not find the decayed spot anywhere today. He was poking around everywhere around that tooth and could not find anything. Lol. He was even digging around my gums.
Strange. I did not feel much (no pain), but there were several bloodied cotton balls...=\
Anyway he put some cream, called Flouride something (ok so my memory's poor..zzz), which is supposed to reveal it if there really is a decay. Otherwise nothing'll happen.
It tastes like banana =)
Lol. He wasnt kidding when he said that.
So now there's another appt to see him again in 3 mths...
A 15 mins checkup.