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Friday, December 05, 2008

Just finished a very tiring day -

Slept at 4 am this morning (I wonder why, YK); woke up and ran ard campus with B in the late morning; packed up and said goodbye to my dorm in NUS, all the while lugging a serious heavy load of stuff; rushed back home and out to Somerset again for an outing with my Hall OG.

Ok, at least I quite enjoyed certain parts of the outing just now, though a third of the time I was in a daze..haha.

Now, super tired and sleepy, such that when I reached my room, I accidentally kicked the chair with my toe and my toenail broke into two. Now there's a long bloody crack along my toenail.

I should really get some sleep. *grumbles*

Seth wrote on 11:48 PM.